Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange Imposed Fine Upon Goldman Sachs Japan Ltd.

Date 18/01/2002

TSE imposed fine of JPY 15 million for short-selling and JPY 2 million for non-securities business without prior approval or notification upon Goldman Sachs Japan Ltd.

1. Short-selling in breach of Securities & Exchange Law

(1) During the period from November 16, 1998 until July 31, 2001, the company executed short-selling of stocks on its own account in the execution of borrowing stocks with call option without legally required disclosure of the fact of short-selling to the stock exchanges.
(2) During the period from October 23, 1998 until May 29, 2001, when executing short-selling of stocks on its own account in execution of VWAP (Volume Weighted Averaged Price), the company did not disclose the fact of short-selling to the stock exchanges. In addition, some of them were executed at the prices lower than the latest published price.

By these series of conducts, the company violated the Article 26-3 (1) and (6), the Article 26-4 (1) and (5) of the Cabinet Order (Securities & Exchange Law) and Article 162 (1) (i) of the Securities & Exchange Law, both of which regulate short-selling.

2. Non-securities business without prior approval or notification

The company conducted the following non-securities businesses without prior approval by the FSA or notification to the FSA;


Credit derivative transactions.

(2) Intermediation of sale/purchase of interest in limited partnership and limited liability company.
(3) Operations for pursuing business specific entities, etc.
(4) Operations for pursuing business of affiliated companies other than specific entities, etc.
(5) Intermediation of making a silent partnership agreement among parties.
(6) Intermediation of cash lending/borrowing.
(7) Intermediation of commodity derivative transactions.

By these conducts, the company violated the Article 34 (3) and (4) of Securities & Exchange Law applied based on 14 (1) of the Law on Foreign Securities Firms (LFSF).