Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange: Delay Of Market Information

Date 08/07/2003

From Tokyo Stock Exchange

To Investors

Reflecting recent conditions in our securities market, orders for trades have grown voluminously over the past few days, and as a result trade confirmation information and quote information has greatly increased as well. Unfortunately due to this sudden upsurge in orders, market information sent from TSE has experienced some delays. For the inconvenience this has caused we would like to extend our sincerest apologies to all TSE investors and market users.

These delays occurred when the amount of data passing between our trading system and market information system temporarily exceeded the limits of those systems, creating a data jam and keeping the data from being properly sent (trading, however, has continued as normal without delay).

In order to deal with this problem as promptly as possibly, from July 7th (Monday) we have expanded our resources to handle the situation, and we plan on further expansion of those resources to meet this urgent need.

At present we are continuing to examine drastic responses to this situation. TSE asks for your understanding as we work to solve this problem.