Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange: Construction Of An Electronic Voting Rights Execution Platform For Institutional Investors

Date 18/04/2003

Shareholders meetings are a place where important communication takes place and trust is fostered between investor and company, and because of that TSE has asked more listed companies to spread out the days on which they place their meetings, to send meeting information at an earlier date, to announce their meetings on their Internet homepage, and to announce it in English. Furthermore for institutional investors, who have been increasing their shareholdings in recent years and are greatly interested in voting rights execution, and overseas investors TSE believes it is necessary to improve the existing environment to make rights execution more efficient. From this viewpoint, TSE and the Japan Securities Dealers Association have begun building consensus with the related parties on construction of an electronic voting rights execution platform.

On April 16 and 17, TSE gathered representatives from four related groups to explain the outline of this program.