Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has implemented its planned changes to the cash market today, including the 30-minute extension to trading hours and the introduction of a closing auction session at the end of the afternoon trading session.
Comment from Iwanaga Moriyuki, President & CEO, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
Today we launched the cash market trading system "arrowhead 4.0" and implemented the 30-minute extension to trading hours and closing auction session. I would like to again express my deep gratitude to all those involved who have cooperated in the preparations for this launch and the rule changes.
With the trading hours extension and the introduction of the closing auction session, we are looking to expand trading opportunities for investors and improve the transparency of closing price formation. With this opportunity, I have high hopes that we can further improve the price discovery functionality of Japan's stock market, making it a highly convenient market for all investors.
Tokyo Stock Exchange will continue to communicate closely with all those involved in the market to aim for further development and contribute to the creation of an affluent society.