Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange Board Report - February 2004

Date 31/03/2004

Memorial service for President Tsuchida
Endowment of course at University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law & Politics

Memorial service for President Tsuchida

A memorial service for President & CEO Masaaki Tsuchida, who passed away on January 30, will be held on Thursday, March 11 at the Imperial Hotel.

Senior Managing Director Sadao Yoshino will serve as the head of the committee to organize the service, and other Executive Board members and Secretariat staff members will also take part in the planning.

Endowment of course at University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law & Politics

The globalization of capital markets and advances in information technology have various effects on the legal structures of capital markets, and adjusting legal systems to accommodate trade across borders is an important challenge. In order to promote research of this challenge and international capital law, TSE has endowed a course at University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law & Politics entitled gInternational Capital Market Law (TSE).h

The course will last for three years beginning in April of this year.