Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Stock Exchange: Announcement Of Change In TOPIX Calculation Methodology

Date 18/09/2003

The following index calculation methodology will be applied to new listing of spun-off company upon the company split

Event Type
Date of Addition into Indices
Number of shares for the calculation of indices on addition date
New listing of spun-off company upon the company split (In case the company assuming the split business will be listed and its shares are allocated to shareholders of the company splitting its business) The following business day of initial listing date The total number of shares to be allocated to shareholders of the company splitting its business
If the number of listed shares upon new listing is higher than "the total number of shares to be allocated to shareholders of the company splitting its business," the balance (remaining shares) will be added for the calculation of indices on a date which is one calendar month and one business day after the listing date.


New Listing Company (Spun -off company)
Listing Date
Indices Addition Date
Number of Shares for Calculating Indices
HAZAMA CORPORATION(1719) October 1, 2003

October 2, 2003

While total number of listed shares will be 100,000,000, the number of shares for calculating indices upon inclusion (October 2, 2003 *1) shall be 48,507,633, which corresponds to the number of shares to be allocated to shareholders of the company splitting the business. The remaining 51,492,367 shares will be added for the index calculation on Nobember 5, 2003*2.
TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. (1720) October 1, 2003 October 2, 2003
While total number of listed shares will be 937,310,000, the number of shares for calculating indices upon inclusion (October 2, 2003 *1) shall be 196,250,000, which corresponds to the number of shares to be allocated to shareholders of the company splitting the business. The remaining 741,060, 000 shares will be added for the index calculation on Nobember 5, 2003*2.
*1 effective after close of trading on October 1
*2 effective after close of trading on Nobember 4

HAZAMA CORPORATION (1719) and TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. (1720) are companies to assume the split business from current HAZAMA CORPORATION (1837) and TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. (1855) respectively. (Latter two companies will change their names upon the company split.
Further, the number of shares is preliminary and may be subject to change later.