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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index: 90,886.77 +850.95

Tokyo Stock Exchange And Shenzhen Stock Exchange Sign A Memorandum Of Understanding

Date 16/01/2003

Tokyo Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding. Both Exchanges believe the cooperation between them will foster the benefit of the financial services industry in China and Japan, and will assist in the maintenance of orderly markets in securities in each country.

The two Exchanges entered into this agreement to provide a mechanism of long-term cooperation to facilitate the development of channels of communication between the two Exchanges. The Exchanges agree to provide, from time to time, opportunities of secondment of personnel and exchange visits by senior managements and, upon request by the other Exchange, to provide information with a view to promoting understanding each other for further development of the markets.

Mr. Atsuo Nishihara, Managing Director and Executive Officer of Tokyo Stock Exchange, comments "This MOU is believed to be an opportunity to establish a framework to exchange relevant information for mutual interests and other cooperative activities between the two Exchanges. We would like to contribute further interaction between the capital markets of Japan and China, and furthermore to foster overall development of Asian capital markets.'