Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Commodity Exchange Margin For September 2010

Date 25/08/2010

Margins to be applied for the trades in September 2010 are as follows (Unit: JPY):

Commodity Contract Month Initial*1 Spot Month*2 Extraordinary*3
Rubber Sep 2010 90,000 90,000 -
All Other Months 90,000 - -
Oct 2010 120,000 120,000 -
All Other Months 120,000 - -
All Months 16,000 - -
Gold Options All Months 60,000 - -
Silver Oct 2010 90,000 90,000 -
Dec 2010 - Aug 2011 30,000 - -
Oct 2010 105,000 105,000 -
All Other Months 105,000 - -
All Months 28,000 - -
Palladium Oct 2010 60,000 60,000 -
All Other Months 60,000 - -
Crude Oil All Months 150,000 - -
Gasoline Oct 2010 150,000 150,000 -
All Other Months 150,000 - -
Kerosene Oct 2010 150,000 150,000 -
All Other Months 150,000 - -
Gas Oil Oct 2010 150,000 150,000 -
All Other Months 150,000 - -
Aluminum Oct 2010 82,500

Nikkei - Tocom
Commodity Index

- 60,000 - -


*1 Initial : Maintenance Amount for Initial Clearing Margin
*2 Spot Month : Spot Month Additional Clearing Margin
*3 Extraordinary : Extraordinary Clearing Margin
<Spot Month Additional Clearing Margin>
* For the October 2010 contract of Rubber, Spot Month Additional Clearing Margins (JPY 90,000) shall be required on and after September 27, 2010.
* For the November 2010 contracts of Gasoline,Kerosene and Gas Oil, Spot Month Additional Clearing Margins (Gasoline: JPY 150,000, Kerosene: JPY 150,000,Gas Oil : JPY 150,000) shall be required on and after September 27,