Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokyo Commodity Exchange Changes Contract Unit For Gasoline And Kerosene

Date 19/09/2005

The Tokyo Commodity Exchange will change the contract unit of gasoline and kerosene contracts to 50 kl per contract from 100 kl per contract effective on September 26, 2005 (applicable from April 2006 contract onward.).

In accordance with the change of the contract units, the daily price fluctuation limit, the minimum initial trading margin and the position limit for each contract will change as the following table.

Minimum initial trading margin for gasoline and kerosene futures in September 2005 for the April 2006 contract month is JPY 120,000(for customer’s position), and the daily price fluctuation is JPY 1,600.

Those who take/make deliveries for the April 2006 contract month and onward must have two outstanding positions (50kl x 2) for every one delivery lot (100kl) in the spot month at the end of the morning session (11:00am.) on the last trading day.

Contract Specifications (Gasoline)


After April 2006 contract

Until March 2006

Contract Unit

50kl (per contract)

100kl (per contract)

Delivery Unit

Same as now (100kl per contract)

100kl (per contract)

Daily Price Fluctuation Limit

Base price

Price Limit

Base price

Price Limit

Less than
JPY 40,000 

JPY 1,400 per kl

Less than
JPY 45,000 

JPY 800 per kl

JPY 40,000
to less than
JPY 65,000

JPY 1,600 per kl

JPY 45,000
to less than
JPY 55,000

JPY 1,000 per kl

JPY 65,000
or more

JPY 1,800 per kl

JPY 55,000
or more

JPY 1,200 per kl

Minimum Initial Trading Margin

Base price


Base price


Less than
JPY 40,000

JPY 105,000
per contract

Less than
JPY 45,000

JPY 120,000
per contract

JPY 40,000
to less than
JPY 65,000

JPY 120,000
per contract

JPY 45,000
to less than
JPY 55,000

JPY 150,000
per contract

JPY 65,000
or more 

JPY 135,000
per contract

JPY 55,000
or more 

JPY 180,000
per contract

Customer Position Limit

Current contract month:

250 contracts

Current contract month:

200 contracts

2nd contract month:

500 contracts

2nd contract month:

400 contracts

Other contract months:

1,500 contracts for each month

Other contract months:

1,200 contracts for each month

Minimum Initial Trading Margin is the lowest amount of margin required; higher amount than the above may be applied.


Contract Specifications (Kerosene)


After April 2006 contract

Until March 2006

Contract Unit

50kl (per contract)

100kl (per contract)

Delivery Unit

Same as now (100kl percontract)

100kl (per contract)

Daily Price Fluctuation Limit

Base price

Price Limit

Base price

Price Limit

Less than JPY 40,000 

JPY 1,400 per kl

Less than JPY 40,000 

JPY 800 per kl

JPY 40,000
to less than
JPY 65,000

JPY 1,600 per kl

JPY 40,000
to less than
JPY 52,000

JPY 1,000 per kl

JPY 65,000
or more

JPY 1,800 per kl

JPY 52,000
or more

JPY 1,200 per kl

Minimum Initial Trading Margin

Base price


Base price


Less than JPY 40,000

JPY 105,000
per contract

Less than
JPY 40,000

JPY 120,000
per contract

JPY 40,000
to less than
JPY 65,000

JPY 120,000
per contract

JPY 45,000
to less than
JPY 52,000

JPY 150,000
per contract

JPY 65,000 or more 

JPY 135,000 per contract

JPY 52,000
or more 

JPY 180,000
per contract

Customer Position Limit

Current contract month:

250 contracts

Current contract month:

200 contracts

2nd contract month:

500 contracts

2nd contract month:

400 contracts

Other contract months:

1,500 contracts for each month

Other contract months:

1,200 contracts for each month

Minimum Initial Trading Margin is the lowest amount of margin required; higher amount than the above may be applied.