Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tokai Tokyo Securities Co.,Ltd Designated As The "TSE Equity Options Supporter"

Date 06/03/2007

Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) will designate Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., Ltd. as a "TSE Equity Options Supporter" on March 7, 2007.

Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., Ltd. (Tokai Tokyo Securities), established by a merger between Tokyo Securities Co., Ltd. and Tokai Maruman Securities Co., Ltd. in 2000, has actively traded in TSE equity options, especially for individual investors, since the market was launched. Tokai Tokyo Securities now commands an extremely large share of individual investors' transactions in the TSE equity options market, and proactively engages in the development of the market by regularly dispatching instructors for the TSE equity options seminar aimed at individual investors. Tokai Tokyo Securities intends to continue to actively trade equity options and play a significant role in improving the liquidity of the TSE equity options market.

In the TSE Equity Option Supporter system, which began in April 2006, TSE designates trading participants to actively promote the expansion of the TSE equity options market based on applications received by trading participants.
Please refer to the following link for the details

TSE Equity Option Supporters System