Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

T+O Weekly Trading Results: September 11th – September 15th, 2006

Date 21/09/2006

For the week of September 11th – September 15th 2006, total trading volume on the RTS T+0 market reached 209 million rubles. Total trading volume in the "second-tier" stock equaled 98 million rubles, 47,3% of the total trading volume.

There were concluded in whole 1939 trades. Market participants traded 101 securities (without "Gazprom"* ). The most popular "second-tier" stocks were "NLMK" common stocks (8,7%), IRKUT Corp common stocks (3,89%) and OJSC "UTK" (3,82%).

The week's top gainers were OJSC "IC RUSS-INVEST" (+120%), Dagestan Regional Generation Company (+32,35%) and Slavneft-Megionneftegaz (+25%). The week's top losers were JSC "SGC TGK-8" common shares (-13,04%), Magadanehnergo (-12,12%) and preferred shares of Tatneft (-11,76%).

The first place on the list of the most active traders is taken by CJSC "Troika Dialog", the second place is taken by Sberbank RF, Saint-Petersburg, whereas the third place is occupied by LLC "Alor+".

T + 0 Market Most Popular Stocks

¹ Company name, shares type Ticker Trading
Share in Total
Turnover, %
1 Sberbank RF, common SBERG 19 184 330 9,18%
2 NLMK, common NLMKG 18 192 898 8,70%
3 MMC "NORILSK NICKEL" GMKNG 16 538 670 7,91%
4 MTS OJSC, common MTSSG 16 144 761 7,72%
5 RAO UESR EESRG 15 828 882 7,57%
6 Sberbank RF, preferred SBERPG 14 497 862 6,94%
7 LUKOIL, common LKOHG 13 232 184 6,33%
8 Surgutneftegas, common SNGSG 9 483 672 4,54%
9 IRKUT Corp, common IRKTG 8 126 528 3,89%
10 OJSC UTK, common KUBNG 7 979 042 3,82%
11 SibirTelekom, common ENCOG 7 393 160 3,54%
12 Energy, common ENGYG 4 076 671 1,95%
13 URALSIB, common USBNG 4 023 359 1,92%
14 Bashneft, preferred BANEPG 3 915 700 1,87%
15 "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation",common VSMOG 3 658 781 1,75%
16 Vimpelcom, common VIMPG 3 412 303 1,63%
17 Bashneft, common BANEG 3 069 615 1,47%
18 Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro-Power Station, common SSHGG 2 712 730 1,30%
19 VolgaTelecom, preferred shares NNSIPG 2 627 842 1,26%
20 Severstal-avto, common SVAVG 2 395 220 1,15%

T + 0 Market Top Gainers

Ticker Company name, shares type Closing
Change Trading
volume, RUR
RUSIG IC Russ-Inverst, common 4,51 120,00% 86 346
DAGRG Dagestan Regional Generation Company, common 1,8 32,35% 715 895
MFGSG Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, common 1641,3 25,00% 25 489
DGENG Dagenergo, common 0,649 20,19% 90 815
TOMEPG Tomskenergo, preferred 0,5 11,11% 790 412
AFKSG Sistema JSFC, common 35000 9,38% 581 800
SVAVG Severstal-avto, common 550 8,42% 2 395 220
USBNG URALSIB, common 0,48 7,62% 4 023 359
OGKCG JSC "OGK-3", common 2,15 7,50% 52 191

T + 0 Market Top Losers

Ticker Company name, shares type Closing
Change Trading
volume, RUR
TGKHG JSC "SGC TGK-8", common 0,02 -13,04% 100 483
MAGEG Magadanehnergo, common 1,45 -12,12% 25 801
TATNPG Tatneft, preferred 75 -11,76% 755 172
ORNBG Orenburgneft, common 1450 -8,78% 28 052
SNGSG Surgutneftegas, common 33,001 -8,59% 9 483 672
NKNCG Nizhhnekamskneftekhim INC, common 24,25 -8,49% 704 821
SNGSPG Surgutneftegas, preferred 23,8 -7,39% 1 778 395
OGKEG OGK-5, common 2,122 -6,93% 254 843

T + 0 Market's Leading Operators

Current week's
rating September 11 -
September 15, 2006
Ticker Company name
1 1 TROY Troika Dialog
2 2 SBRF Sberbank of RF, Saint-Petersburg
4 4 BUBS UBS Securities
5 9 NMOS Homos-Bank
6 6 ATLN Aton
7 7 INSI Instroyinvest
8 8 BROK Brokercreditservice
9 17 FINA Finam
10 19 CITF CIT Finance
11 10 RENC Renaissance Broker
12 13 RMGS Rye, Man and Gor Securities
15 11 UNPA Unicom Partner
16 29 BFAG Baltic Finance Agency
18 - VSHH VSH Holding
19 33 NKOL Management Company UralSib
20 16 UFGR United Finance Group
21 35 RICO Ricom Trust
22 - BFCO Baltic Finance Company
23 27 HORN Horizon
24 15 OPEN Brokerage hous "OPEN.RU"
25 20 MTRF Metropol

* Non-profit partnership "St Petersburg Stock Exchange" is the organizer of trading in "Gazprom". Clearing of "Gazprom" trades is performed by non-profit partnership "RTS Stock Exchange".

Non-profit partnership "RTS Stock Exchange" serves as the Clearing center of the joint-stock company, "Depositary and Clearing Company" is the depositary, RTS Settlement Chamber is the settlement bank.