Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

T+O Weekly Trading Results: December 11 – December 15, 2006

Date 18/12/2006

For the week of December 11th – December 15th 2006, total trading volume on the RTS T+0 market reached 355,5 million rubles. Total trading volume in the "second-tier" stock equaled 228,5 million rubles, 64,2% of the total trading volume.

There were concluded in whole 3062 trades. Market participants traded 139 securities (without "Gazprom"). The most popular "second-tier" JSC "Severstal" common stocks (5,23%), OJSC NLMK common stock (4%) and UTK common stocks (3,68%).

The week's top gainers were Pskovenergo common stocks (+53,33%), Nizhny Novgorod Retail Company common stocks (+50%) and Novosibirskenergo preferred shares (+42,86%). The week's top losers were Morion common stock (-33,33%), Magadanehnergo common stock (-15,73%) and JSC "OGK-4"common stock (-14%).

The first place on the list of the most active traders is taken by Sberbank RF, Saint-Petersburg, the second is occupied by CJSC "Troika Dialog", the third place is occupied by LLC "ALOR+".

T + 0 Market Most Popular Stocks

¹ Company name, shares type Ticker Trading
volume, UR
Share in
Total Turnover, %
1 Sberbank, Pref SBERPG 29 899 615 8,41%
2 RAO UESR, Common EESRG 21 897 670 6,16%
3 JSC "Severstal", Common CHMFG 18 603 256 5,23%
4 Sberbank, Common SBERG 18 193 730 5,12%
5 NLMK, Common NLMKG 14 237 851 4,00%
6 UTK, Common KUBNG 13 081 357 3,68%
7 MTS OJSC, Common MTSSG 12 903 096 3,63%
8 JSC "Salavatnefteorgsintez", Common SNOZG 12 332 382 3,47%
9 SSHPS, Common SSHGG 11 798 378 3,32%
10 JSC "WTC Moscow", Pref WTCMPG 10 663 500 3,00%
11 VolgaTelecom, Common NNSIG 10 592 565 2,98%
12 RAO UESR, Pref EESRPG 9 654 748 2,72%
13 Zhigulyovskaya HPS, Common VLGSG 9 470 927 2,66%
14 LUKOIL, Common LKOHG 9 002 336 2,53%
15 UTK, Pref KUBNPG 8 792 092 2,47%
16 MMC "NORILSK NICKEL", Common GMKNG 8 785 740 2,47%
17 Zeya HES, Pref ZYGSPG 8 670 662 2,44%
18 Transneft, Pref TRNFPG 8 162 156 2,30%
19 URALSIB, Common USBNG 7 533 708 2,12%
20 JSC "COMSTAR - United TeleSystems", Common CMSTG 7 233 375 2,03%

T + 0 Market Top Gainers

Ticker Company name, share type Closing
volume, RUR
PSENG Pskovenergo, Common 23 53,33% 1 065 682
NNSBG Nizhny Novgorod Retail Company, Common 202,5 50,00% 60 959
NVNGPG Novosibirskenergo, Pref 1500 42,86% 138 050
URSIG Uralsvyazinform, Common 1,629 36,89% 3 711 259
OGKEG OGK-5, Common 3,55 24,56% 3 737
CNTLPG Central Telegraph, Pref 11 20,88% 914 920
USBNG URALSIB, Common 0,777 19,54% 7 533 708
PROMG Promactive, Common 1190 19,00% 758 195
KRKOPG Krasny Kotelshchik, Pref 9,5 18,75% 114 000
URSIPG Uralsvyazinform, Pref 1,18 17,06% 2 177 208

T + 0 Market Top Losers

Ticker Company name, share type Closing
volume, RUR
MORIG Morion, Common 4 -33,33% 42 904
MAGEG Magadanehnergo, Common 1,5 -15,73% 332 916
OGKDG JSC "OGK-4", Common 2,15 -14,00% 61 316
STGRG Stavropol Electricity Generation Company, Common 3,5 -12,50% 29 476
ZVEZG Zvezda, Common 0,22 -12,00% 22 461
MAGEPG Magadanehnergo, Pref 1,15 -11,54% 502 293
NKNCG Nizhhnekamskneftekhim INC, Common 17 -10,53% 85 803
ORNBG Orenburgneft, Common 988 -10,18% 639 719
MASZG MASHINOSTROITELNY ZAVOD, Common 9130 -8,29% 1 912 582
BANEPG Bashneft, Pref 269,7 -8,23% 6 756 310

T + 0 Market's Leading Operators

Ticker Company name
1 1 SBRF Sberbank RF, Saint-Petersburg
2 2 TROY Troika Dialog
3 4 ALPL Alor+
5 7 BUBS UBS Securities
6 9 OPEN Brokerage house "OPEN.RU"
7 3 ATLN Aton
8 12 BROK Brokercreditservice
10 11 INSI Instroyinvest
11 16 NMOS Nomos-Bank
12 18 INFA Infina
13 15 RENC Renaissance Broker
14 24 ECAP Energocapital
15 49 NKOL URALSIB Capital
16 13 CITF CIT Finance
17 23 ALFC Alfa-Bank
18 19 MEIN Metallinvestbank
19 17 UNPA Unicom Partner
20 10 ZERH Zerich Capital Management
21 32 MTRF Metropol
22 29 BFAG Baltic Finance Agency
23 43 SCNT "Vostochnaya Fondovaya Kompania"
24 25 HORN Horizon

* Non-profit partnership "St Petersburg Stock Exchange" is the organizer of trading in "Gazprom". Clearing of "Gazprom" trades is performed by non-profit partnership "RTS Stock Exchange".

Non-profit partnership "RTS Stock Exchange" serves as the Clearing center of the joint-stock company, "Depositary and Clearing Company" is the depositary, RTS Settlement Chamber is the settlement bank.