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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Thomson Reuters Monthly Market Share Reports for September 2010

Date 08/10/2010

Trading is fragmenting between exchanges and competing venues. But by how much and which venues? Find out in the Thomson Reuters summarised monthly reports.

Monthly Data at a Glance

The charts below show the traded value of all European equities (in Euro € millions) recorded over the last 13 months. For the most recent month the break down for the main venues is provided. More detailed information by country or main index can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.. Summary information on European Dark Pool trading can be found by selecting the second tab. Selecting the Asia Pacific tab provides access to a spreadsheet for the Japanese market at present.

All European Equities Market Activity by Trade Type (September 2009 to September 2010)

Download full report 98k

Main Trading Venues for all European Equities (September 2010)

Graph: All European Equities Market Activity by Venue

Download full report 102k

The market share information has been sourced from Thomson Reuters Market Share Reporter which uses data from individual trades reported by all European Exchanges, MTFs, and OTC trade reporting venues.

Monthly summarised data on a per market and index basis

by index by region & country
2010  Jan - Sep  1.7MB Jan - Sep  2.2MB 
2009 Jan - Dec  1.6MB  Jan - Dec  2.1MB 
2008  Jan - Dec  1.5MB  Jan - Dec  1.8MB 

These spreadsheets provide more detailed monthly data for European equities broken out by markets and index constituents. Download the Thomson Reuters guide as to how Thomson Reuters compiles these reports.

For further information about the Monthly Market Share Reports or to request to be added to our distribution list for notification of when new reports are posted please email:

MTF Operated Dark Pool Activity for all European Equities (September 2009 to September 2010)

Graph: MTF Operated Dark Pool Activity for all European Equities

Download full report 94k

MTF Operated Dark Pool Activity by Venue (September 2010)

Graph: MTF Operated Dark Pools Activity by Venue

Download full report 98k

Trading volumes for the independent Dark Pools are broken out where these are reported through OTC trade publication services such as Markit BOAT through reference to specific flags on these feeds or from specific trade flags on the feeds from the MTFs that provide their data.

Monthly summarised data on a per market and index basis

by index by region & country
2010  Jan - Sep  1.7MB Jan - Sep  2.2MB 
2009 Jan - Dec  1.6MB  Jan - Dec  2.1MB 
2008  Jan - Dec  1.5MB  Jan - Dec  1.8MB 

These spreadsheets provide more detailed monthly data for European equities broken out by markets and index constituents. Download the Thomson Reuters guide as to how Thomson Reuters compiles these reports.

For further information about the Monthly Market Share Reports or to request to be added to our distribution list for notification of when new reports are posted please email:

by index by region & country
2010  Jan - Sep556k Jan - Sep548k

These spreadsheets provide more detailed monthly data for Japanese equities broken out by markets and index constituents. Download the Thomson Reuters guide as to how Thomson Reuters compiles these reports.