Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Thomas Kloet, Chief Executive Officer TMX Group: Speech - Montreal Chamber of Commerce

Date 15/06/2011

Merci Michel. Good afternoon everyone

.C’est un plaisir d’être ici cet après-midi avec mon collègue, Xavier Rolet de laBourse de Londres.

Si vous me permettez, je vais m’adresser a vous en anglais aujourd’hui.

While I can speak some French, if you will permit me, I’ll speak in English today so that my comments are clear. On February 9, Xavier and I announced a combination that would have our two businesses join forces to create a strong international competitor. A true merger. And, by any measure, a merger of equals.

Click here to download Tom Kloet's speech in full.