Total turnover for all German stock exchanges amounted to 2.16 trillion euros in the first quarter. This corresponds to an increase of more than 56 percent compared with the first quarter of 1999. In equities, the first-quarter increase was as much as 140 percent, with a volume of 1.7 trillion euros traded.
The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and broker-supported trading on the floor, shows equities turnover of about 182 billion euros for all German stock exchanges in February. Of this total, volume of 159 billion euros was traded in German equities, with 80 percent or 128 billion euros of this total posted through Xetra. Another 14 percent, or roughly 23 billion euros in volume, were posted in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
In the DAX, MDAX, Neuer-Markt and SDAX stocks, the share of the volume traded on Xetra achieved new highs. The Xetra share of the turnover in DAX blue chips came to about 90 percent in March, and was as high as 99 percent on some days. In the MDAX stocks, trading on Xetra accounted for about 49 percent of the March volume, about 52 percent of the NEMAX-50 volume and roughly 22 percent of the turnover in SDAX stocks.
According to the order-book statistics, Deutsche Telekom was the most active DAX blue chip in March, with a volume of about 21 billion euros traded in its shares. Software AG was the leading MDAX stock, with 184 million euros in shares traded, and Mobilcom the top Neuer Markt stock, at about 1.13 billion euros. In the SMAX segment, IFCO Systems ranked first with a volume of 201 million euros traded in its shares.