The CalPERS Board of Administration has re-elected Theresa Taylor as board president and David Miller as vice president.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to again serve as president of the CalPERS board,” said Taylor. “Our work helps fulfill the solemn promise made to public sector employees across California, ensuring their long-term financial security and providing quality health care for them and their families.”
The president oversees the board's business, setting meeting schedules and agendas with input from other board members and the CalPERS executive team. The president also makes appointments to board committees.
Leadership elections are held in January of every year. This is the third one-year term for Taylor as board president and the second one-year term for Miller as vice president.
Taylor was first elected to the Board of Administration in 2015, representing state employee members. She is a principal compliance representative at the Franchise Tax Board and has worked for the state for more than 25 years. She previously served as vice president/secretary-treasurer for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 and on the executive boards of SEIU Local 1000 and the SEIU State Council.
Miller, first elected by active and retired CalPERS members in 2017, has more than 25 years of public service specializing in environmental regulatory programs, pollution prevention, environmental technology development, and performance management.
“I’m eager to continue my work as CalPERS board vice president,” said Miller. “These are important times for the organization in its vital mission to serve those who serve California.”