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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The Vienna Stock Exchange: Finalists In Bid For Slovenia’s Ljubljana Stock Exchange

Date 22/04/2008

In a press conference today, the Vienna Stock Exchange (VSE) re-confirmed its interest in the Ljubljana Stock Exchange (LJSE). As one of the two exchanges short-listed in the privatization of the LJSE, the VSE outlined its vision for a partnership with the exchange as well as highlighting its strong pedigree as one of Central and Eastern Europe’s strongest, most liquid and internationally recognized financial market places. Based on this solid foundation, the VSE plans to actively work together with the LJSE to further strengthen and build on its current success.

The Vienna Stock Exchange impressed by the development of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange

According to the requirements as set out by the current owners, the exchange must retain its independence and seat in Ljubljana. “It is precisely these criteria – active commitment while guaranteeing independence – that form the foundation of any cooperative partnership for the Vienna Stock Exchange. We firmly believe in the regional market principle. The focus of our work is clearly in working together in the area of products,” said Mr. Schaller. The Vienna Stock Exchange has long years of experience in cooperating with CEE/SEE exchanges Up to now, the Vienna Stock Exchange has acquired a stake of 68.58% in the Budapest Stock Exchange jointly with a consortium of Austrian banks. Furthermore, the Vienna Stock Exchange has succeeded in building a close cooperation with the Bucharest Stock Exchange in the past two years – without the need for any cross-holding. Additionally, the Vienna Stock Exchange has a number of cooperation agreements with other Central and Southeastern European stock exchanges, and actively contributes its expertise to the further development of the local financial markets. One key area of collaboration is in the area of indices where the Vienna Stock Exchange currently calculates 23 country, regional and sector indices for the CEE and SEE region.

“The LJSE has grown enormously in the past few years and I believe that the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and its listed companies still have considerable potential. We would like to contribute as a strategic investor by providing our know-how – gained from our own experience – and participate in the further advancement of the Slovenian capital market,” stressed Mr. Schaller. The Vienna Stock Exchange is extremely interested in the sustainable development of the Slovenian capital market and not only in short-term profit maximization. We are tremendously excited about the potential of working together with the LJSE into the future.”