Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The SWX Swiss Exchange Threatens Habsburg Holdings Ltd With Suspension Of Trading By Reason Of Violation Of Reporting Obligations

Date 25/07/2003

Habsburg Holdings Ltd, which is listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange, has failed to submit its annual report for 2002 to the Admission Board by the specified date of 30 June 2003. In addition, the SWX is clarifying whether or not the company has published its annual report. Habsburg already failed to submit its annual report before the specified date last year.

Pursuant to Art. 79 of the Listing Rules, the SWX will suspend trading in the above-mentioned security with effect from Monday, 4 August 2003, unless the company submits its annual report to the SWX and provides evidence of legally acceptable publication by 31 July 2003.

Trading will be resumed as soon as Habsburg Holdings Ltd fulfils its obligation to disclose. The SWX has adopted this measure for reasons of investor protection and transparency in the capital market. The application of sanctions procedures remains reserved.