"Internet Thailand is the first State-Own Enterprise to complete the privatization process under the Capital Market Development Plan, and to do so quickly and successfully. Share subscriptions were available through the Internet - the first time a Thai company has used this sophisticated method to distribute shares. November 14th, 2001 will be the first date on which the 250 million shares can be traded on the SET. Its success should help generate more interest from investors in the capital markets." the SET president said.
Internet Thailand PLC acts as a commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) for both corporations and individuals, and includes e-Business Infrastructure services. The company also provides other services such as an Internet Data Center and related e-commerce services. The company's dividend policy is no less than 30% of its annual net profit. Investors who are interested in obtaining information on the company may access the SET's Web site at http://www.set.or.th or INET's Web site at http://www.inet.co.th