The new trading network has been developed to support AMS/3 which is scheduled for launch in the third quarter of the year. The new trading network will initially be used for AMS/2 before operating for AMS/3. Cable and Wireless HKT is providing the trading network for AMS/3.
The market-wide network rehearsal represents the last step of a series of network rollout tests. A total of 550 AMS/2 off-floor terminals have been switched in batches to the new network for production following the successful completion of the series of network rollout tests on May 13, May 27 and June 3.
The objective of today's market-wide network rehearsal is to test the trading network under full off-floor terminals loading. All second and third trading terminals of AMS/2, including the 550 terminals which have migrated to the new network in the last few weeks, were involved.
The new trading network is a critical infrastructure component essential for the launch of AMS/3. The Exchange's stringent resilience and performance requirements have made implementation a very demanding project.
The Exchange is implementing AMS/3 in a controlled and organised manner, and has adopted a layered rollout approach. Following the network rollout for production trading, the Exchange will test its AMS/3 host system and further market rehearsals of the trading functions of the host system will be conducted. AMS/3 will be rolled out for production when these rehearsals are successfully completed. This prudent approach to project implementation will ensure the stability of the trading environment and help identify areas for rectification before implementation.