Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Market Statistics September

Date 15/10/1999

The average daily turnover for the 21 trading days in September was HKD8,664 million, an increase of 49 percent compared with the previous month. Total turnover value for the month was HKD181,937 million compared with HKD128,209 in August. A total of 217,703 million shares changed hands in September, compared with 84,498 million shares in August. The average daily turnover by volume was 10,129 million shares, up 164 percent from August. The total number of trades during the month was 2,543,812 which was 59 percent more than in August. Average daily turnover for the first nine months of the year was HKD6,818 million, compared with HKD7,123 million in the same period last year. Total turnover by value was HKD1,261,395 million during the first nine months of the year, compared with HKD1,324,941 million for the same period last year. During the first nine months of this year, the average daily turnover by volume was 5,048 million shares, compared with 3,282 million shares during the corresponding period of 1998. A total of 933,889 million shares were traded during the first nine months of this year, compared with 610,391 million shares during the same period in 1998. The market capitalisation at the end of September 1999 was HKD3,468,611 million compared with HKD2,150,540 million on the same date last year, an increase of HKD1,318,071 million or 61 percent. The total number of listed companies was 689 on 30 September 1999 against 674 on 30 September 1998.