Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The Spanish Exchange Trades 255 New Warrants Issued By Société Générale - The Number Of Warrants Traded On The Spanish Stock Exchange Reaches 3,550

Date 21/02/2007

The Spanish Exchange today began to trade 255 new warrants issued by Société Générale. The new issues are linked to a wide range of underlying assets, including domestic and foreign shares and indices, exchange rates and commodities.

102 warrants were issued on the following Spanish shares: Acerinox, ACS, Altadis, Banco Popular, Banco Sabadell, BBVA, Cintra, Enagas, Endesa, FCC, Gamesa, Gas Natural, Ferrovial, Iberdrola, Iberia, Inditex, Indra, Red Eléctrica, Repsol, SCH, Sogecable and Telefónica.

83 warrants were issued on the following foreign shares: Adidas, Alcatel-Lucent, Apple, BNP Paribas, British Petroleum, Cisco Systems, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, EADS, EBAY, EDF, France Telecom, Google, IBM, Nestlé, Nokia, Novartis, Pfizer, Royal Bank of Scotland, Siemens, Yahoo and Zurich Financial. It is worth mentioning the incorporation of Credit Suisse, Nestlé, Novartis and Zurich Financial as new underlying assets.

As regards indices, 6 warrants were issued on the IBEX 35®, 3 on the Dow Jones Eurostoxx 50, 6 on the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 3 on the Nasdaq, 7 on the Nikkei and 4 on the Xetra Dax.

As to commodities, 4 warrants were issued on Copper, 6 on the Gold ounce and 11 on the Brent oil future contract. This has been the first time that copper has been incorporated as an underlying asset on the warrants market.

With regards to exchange rates, 20 warrants were issued on the Euro / Dollar exchange rate, of which 11 are call warrants and 9 put.

The warrants are American style, that is, they can be exercised at any time, except those on Copper, Gold and the Brent oil future contract, which are European style and therefore are exercised on the expiry date.