Kevin Carroll was elected On-Floor Options Specialist Governor for a term of three years. Mr. Carroll is vice president of Knight Financial Products in Philadelphia.
Kevin Foley, Christopher Nagy and Daniel O'Rourke were elected Off-Floor Governors. Kevin Foley is chief executive of Bloomberg Tradebook LLC, an electronic broker of equities for institutional investors and for other brokerage firms. He also manages U.S. transaction products at Bloomberg Financial Markets. He will serve a three-year term.
Christopher Nagy and Daniel O'Rourke each received an equal number of ballots in the March 10 election. Therefore, pursuant to Exchange by-laws, the Board of Governors will have to determine who will be designated for a three-year term and who will be designated for a one-year term.
Christopher Nagy is director of trading at Ameritrade Clearing, Inc. and Daniel O'Rourke is a managing director of Goldman Sachs & Co., and CEO of OptEx. The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) was founded in 1790. The PHLX trades more than 2,200 stocks, 1,016 listed equity options, 12 sectors index options and currency pairs. For more information about the PHLX and its products, visit