Today, Sparekassen Himmerland is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. That makes Sparekassen Himmerland the eighty-second1 company to join the Nordic Exchange this year.
The savings bank Sparekassen Himmerland is a regional independent financial institution with its main office in Aars. The story of the savings bank reaches back as far as 1871.
In the 1960’s five local savings banks fused into Sparekassen Himmerland, and after that several financial institutes have joined the community. The main thought of the savings bank, when it comes to actions and value, is their local presence.
”We are happy to welcome Sparekassen Himmerland to the Nordic Exchange. It is very interesting how big the intake of new companies has been in 2006. The activity within the Financial sector has been particularly great, the sector getting 13 new companies in 2006”, says Jan Ovesen, President OMX Nordic Exchange in Copenhagen.
A round lot of shares in Sparekassen Himmerland, whose short name is SPHIM, amounts to 50.
The company is included in the Financial sector and the MidCap segment.