The Exchange centre offers the most modern office space, including cabling, telecommunications and power systems.
The new building will house the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the National Depository for Securities, as well as several other financial institutions. This world-class financial centre serves as a clear statement that the Warsaw Stock Exchange is committed to maintain the highest international standards in all respects.
WSE will occupy 3 levels of the new Exchange Centre. The public will be allowed free access to the main lobby; and from the lobby via powerful escalators (30 meters long) visitors will travel to the public gallery, observing the Exchange activities (including the IT Room) on the way. Visitors will be able to view share prices and indices on a large display screen (3 x 5 meters). New building aestethicts present the Exchange as an institution, which is open and transparent.
The Exchange will move its premises there gradually. Trading in the new location will start after the WSE new trading system - WARSET - has been installed, i. e. in autumn this year.