Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Awards The Most Active Participants Of The Lithuanian Securities Market

Date 17/12/2002

On 16 December, the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania (NSEL) awarded the most active participants of the Lithuanian securities market and business mass media in 2002.

The award for promotion of the Lithuanian securities market went to the Lithuanian news agency ELTA (Business service), business daily The Verslo Zinios (Financial Markets division), Lithuanian Television News Service (Business News), and radio station Ziniu Radijas (Stock Market News).

The NSEL listed company Ekranas AB was awarded for the best information disclosure in 2002. Diploma for the best annual report was conferred on Rokiskio Suris AB. Vilniaus Vingis AB was nominated to be the most liquid share on the NSEL Central Market in 2002, and Lietuvos Telekomas AB was awarded for the largest number of trades concluded in the company's shares in 2002.

The most active trader in securities in 2002 was Vilniaus Bankas AB Securities Trading Unit, and the brokerage firm Finasta got the award for the largest number of transactions concluded in 2002.