In December 2001, the Montréal Exchange became the first fully automated traditional derivatives exchange in North America. Its project "SAM" (Montréal Automated System / Système Automatisé de Montréal) is the cornerstone of this exceptional transformation. SAM has made it possible for the Montréal Exchange to go from a traditional derivatives market with an open outcry trading floor to a fully automated market, while meeting very strict security, flexibility, performance, reliability and continuity criteria.
"All of us at the Montréal Exchange are deeply honoured to receive the CIPA Award of Excellence" stated Luc Bertrand, President and Chief Executive Officer. "This recognition from CIPA joins that of the Fédération de l'informatique du Québec (FIQ). Last June, the Montréal Exchange won two OCTAS, including the Best of Show/Award of Excellence, at the FIQ Gala. I would like to acknowledge the hard work, competence and expertise of the Montréal Exchange staff who achieved this complex transformation and implemented a technological infrastructure that truly sets new standards."
Bourse de Montréal Inc. (Montréal Exchange) was founded in 1874. It is Canada's oldest exchange and the first Canadian exchange to list equity options and to establish a major futures market. Today, the Montréal Exchange is fully electronic and offers both individual and institutional investors a wide range of equity, index and interest rate derivative products. The Montréal Exchange also offers clearing services through the Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation and training (e-learning and in-class) through its Derivatives Institute. For more information about the Montréal Exchange, please visit