Today, overall exchange volume reached 294,942 contracts (238,646 contracts yesterday) surpassing the previous record of 237,708 contracts reached on August 25, 2005. Today’s overall daily volume includes a record level of trading on the Canadian three-month interest rate futures (BAX), totalling 190,639 contracts (147,822 contracts yesterday) breaking the previous record of 137,213 contracts established on April 14, 2005.
August daily MX activity averaged 121,948 contracts surpassing the March 2005 record of 115,978 contracts.
Note: More details are available in the Economic analysis of Montréal Exchange’s derivatives, available at
Finally, the combined trading on MX and BOX platforms, both operated by the Montréal Exchange, totalled a record 695,563 contracts today. The previous record of 681,665 was achieved on April 15, 2005.