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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The Judicial Institute Of Jordan Visits The Amman Stock Exchange And Jordanian Capital Market Institutions

Date 16/04/2024

On Tuesday 16/04/2024 ,the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) received a student delegation from the Judicial Institute of Jordan as part of a field visit to the Jordanian capital market institutions (Jordan Securities Commission, Amman Stock Exchange, and Securities Depository Center), with the aim of learning about the working mechanism of Capital Market Institutions by presenting the tasks and responsibilities they undertake and the services they provide in addition to the legislation governing their work.

Mr. Hytham Shunnaq , Chief of Legal Affairs and Compliance at the ASE, provided an explanation of the tasks and working mechanism of the ASE and the most important legislations governing its work.

Representatives from the Jordan Securities Commission and the Securities Depository Center gave presentations reflecting the main tasks and developments witnessed by their institutions and the regulations governing them.

It is worth mentioning that this visit comes within the framework of the Capital Market Institutions to strengthen cooperation with national educational institutions, as well to enhance awareness and knowledge of all matters related to the securities market and the work of its institutions