As a result of trades on the MICEX, held 21 April 2003, the volume of secondary trades in corporate securities reached 15,235 billion rubles (about 490 mln dollars). This is a record volume of secondary trades for the whole period of the MICEX stock market, launched in March 1997. The previous record of 13,258 billion rubles was posted 26 December 2002.
The MICEX Index, reflecting the price movement of 18 leading issuers listed on the MICEX, reached 363,89 points, a 13,4% increase against the beginning of 2003.
The following securities were leaders in the volume of transactions:
- shares of Surgutneftegaz: 6,458 billion rubles (over 25 thousand transactions);
- shares of RAO UES: 2,735 billion rubles (about 12 thousand transactions);
- shares of LUKoil: 2,417 billion rubles (over 7 thousand transactions);
- shares of YUKOS: 0,599 billion rubles (over 4 thousand transactions).
As a result of trades, held 21 April in the MICEX Stock Market Section, the trade turnover had the following structure:
- secondary trades in shares: 13,334 billion rubles;
- secondary trades in bonds: 0,613 billion rubles;
- REPO transactions: 1,287 billion rubles.
Today, 290 securities of over 170 leading Russian issuers are admitted to circulation on the MICEX, including such blue chips as RAO UES, LUKoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom, Sberbank, Vneshtorgbank, Rostelekom and others. Their total capitalization is about 80 billion dollars. Over 500 banks and financial comapanies - members of the MICEX Stock Market Section - participate in trades. In April 2003, the average daily turnover in the MICEX Stock Market Section has reached 9,761 billion rubles, an 85,2% increase against the average daily turnover of 2002.