Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange's Commitee On Good Corporate Governance

Date 05/11/2002

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is pleased to publish the composition of its committee on good corporate governance, whose job it is to stimulate the development of good corporate governance in listed Danish companies.

The members of the committee are the following:

  • Lars Nørby Johansen (Chairman), President and CEO of Group 4 Falck A/S
  • Mads Øvlisen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Novo Nordisk A/S, among others
  • Sten Scheibye, Chief Executive of Coloplast A/S
  • Peter Ravn, Managing Director of SimCorp A/S
  • Henrik Stenbjerre, Lawyer and Partner in Kromann Reumert
  • Finn L. Meyer, State-authorised Public Accountant and Senior Partner in KPMG
  • Lars Rohde, CEO of ATP (the Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme)
Based on the Exchange's recommendation to the listed companies that they should approach the Nørby Committee's recommendations on good corporate governance, the committee shall follow the development of the interaction between the companies' management, shareholders and investors and other stakeholders.

The committee will follow the ongoing debate about good corporate governance and gather viewpoints and the experience that the companies have acquired from their work with the Nørby Committee's recommendations. Against this background the committee will assess whether the existing recommendations need to be adjusted or changed.