The CHX also broke daily trade and share records during the month. On April 4, trade volume soared to 524,056, and share volume reached 176,686,928.
Seat prices achieved a new high in April with a record sale of $335,000, a 52 percent increase from the same time last year when the seat price reached $220,000.
The CHX's over-the-counter (OTC) program continued to prosper in April. Total trade volume in Nasdaq issues ended at 3,160,921, up 617 percent over April 1999. Total share volume finished at 870,579,957, an increase of 527 percent from the same time last year. Through the OTC program, the CHX currently trades more than 900 Nasdaq issues.
The CHX is the only floor-based auction market in the country that trades Nasdaq, or OTC, issues. During April, share volume for extended hours trading from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Time totaled 29,548,771.
"The Chicago Stock Exchange is headed toward another record-setting year," said CHX president and CEO Bob Forney. "Our volume growth and robust seat prices demonstrate that the CHX is a strong competitor in the U.S. equities market."
Forney added, "As our business continues to grow at unprecedented rates, we are working vigorously to upgrade our capacity. The CHX is right on target to meet its goal of being able to process two million trades daily by early 2001, which is approximately four times the capacity we had at the start of 2000."
The Chicago Stock Exchange was founded May 15, 1882 and is the second most active stock exchange in terms of share and trade volume. The CHX is also the fastest growing exchange providing the strongest force for competition to all U.S. markets. The CHX trades more than 4,500 NYSE, Amex, Nasdaq and CHX-exclusive issues, more than any other stock exchange in the world.