Today (18 December) the Bank published its Financial Market Infrastructure Report . This report sets out the work undertaken over the past year in relation to financial market infrastructure to deliver the Bank’s financial stability objective and secondary innovation objective. The financial market infrastructure firms (FMIs) supervised by the Bank offer services to individuals and businesses that are critical to the smooth operation of the UK financial system and the broader economy. These firms are used every day, whether we realise it or not, when we receive or make payments from our bank accounts, or when we buy goods and services. They also play a key role in helping manage and mitigate risk across financial markets. As a global financial centre, the smooth and safe functioning of these firms are critical not only to UK financial stability, but also to the health of the global financial system. The report sets out how we have delivered against our statutory objectives over the last year, and how we plan to continue doing so next year. It reports against the use of our new powers and responsibilities under Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (FSMA 2023), including how the Bank has delivered against its new secondary innovation objective and sets out how we have continued to deliver and develop effective regulation and supervision of FMIs. In particular, this year’s report highlights the Bank’s work: Additional information The Annual Report is part of a set of publications the Bank has released that provide transparency and accountability in relation to how it delivers its regulation and supervision of FMIs, helping to ensure they can play their important role in managing risk and allowing payments to be made safely in all states of the world. The further publications are: These publications follow on from the Bank’s consultation on proposed Fundamental Rules for FMIs and the Bank’s approach to supervising FMIs, published in November. Visit our explainers for more information on what FMIs are and the Bank’s role in supervising them.
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
The Bank Of England's Supervision Of Financial Market Infrastructures - Annual Report 2024
Date 18/12/2024