It has been decided to make the SET a marketplace for big corporations that have demonstrated continuous operations, sound profit reports and stability, while turning the MAI into the place that facilitates the capitalization plans of newly-founded companies that show high growth potential. This will help clearly differentiate the status of the SET and the MAI.
"The MAI will be a place to raise funds for new businesses and entrepreneurs who have potential to grow further and become modern creative business executives.
"Within the next 2 to 3 years, the MAI will become more active, with its focus on new generation businesses such as design, software, IT and other fast-track firms that utilize specialized skills. Most of these organizations are likely to be founded by young people who want to make use of their contemporary knowledge. The official announcement on this issue will be made in the middle of October", said the Minister.
He continued, "The SET has received an approval from the SET Board of Governors to adjust its listing regulations for both the SET and the MAI. Firms wishing to list themselves on the SET must have registered capital of THB300 million up from THB200 million, and have been in operation for a minimum of 3 years (previously 2 years) while recording a total net profit of not less than THB50 million, with not less than THB30 million during the previous fiscal year. They also have to post net accumulated profits prior to submitting their listing application (previously, they needed to only have net profits from the most recent year).
"For the MAI, companies that plan to list there must have registered capital of THB20 million or more, but not over THB300 million, and have been in operation for a minimum of 2 years. Firms that have been in operation for only 1 year and not yet posted any profits they will be allowed to list on the MAI only if their securities have a total market value of not less than THB1,500 million" the Minister concluded.