“We expect that the dividends paid out by listed companies will be significantly higher than last year, since overall, listed companies have improved their operational performances. Last year they collectively paid out nearly THB150.00 bln. (approx. USD3.75 bln.), or 42% of their net profits, equivalent to an average 4.09% dividend yield. The most convenient way to receive your dividend payment is via a direct bank transfer,” Mrs. Nongram said.
After the dividend has been transferred to an investor’s account, the TSD will send a document notifying the person about the transfer details. Investors will therefore know their dividend transfer status without having to actually go their banks or cashing a cheque themselves. This electronic transfer also avoids the risks of cheques being returned by the post office or lost.
Presently about 320 listed companies participate in the e-dividend program, so their more than 200,000 shareholders can now receive their dividends conveniently via bank transfers. Participating listed firms include major companies, e.g., Siam Commercial Bank Pcl., Electricity Generating Pcl., Airport of Thailand Pcl., Advance Info Service Pcl., Charoen Pokphand Foods Pcl., Bangkok Expressway Pcl., Thai Airways International Pcl., MCOT Pcl., and Thai Oil Pcl.
The number of e-dividend customers is forecasted to rise to nearly 500,000 by the end of 2005.
In addition, customers of major 8 securities firms already participating in the program can readily apply for the e-dividend service. They are Asia Plus Securities Pcl., Bualuang Securities Pcl., Capital Nomura Securities Pcl., Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) Pcl., KGI Securities (Thailand) Pcl., Syrus Securities Pcl., United Securities Plc., and Seamico Securities Pcl.
Unit holders of two funds-- Vayupak Fund 1 and BOA Apartment Property Fund 1 can also enjoy the benefits of the e-dividend service. Currently 70% of the total 33,150 unit holders of the Vayupak Fund 1 already receive their dividends via this service.
To apply for e-dividend service, please contact the TSD Call Center at 0-2229-2888.