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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

“Thailand Focus 2011” Successfully Highlights The Thai Stock Market’s Attractiveness

Date 29/03/2011

The investment extravaganza “Thailand Focus 2011” remains an important stage to show the Thai stock market’s ability to support economic growth and the private sector’s growth potential to global analysts and investors, noted the event’s co-organizers, The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and Phatra Securities PCL. They also reported that the event gives fund managers the information needed to promote the Thai Exchange with a broad group of foreign investors.

 “Thailand Focus 2011-Enhancing Thailand’s Competitiveness through the Next Decade” was able to boost investor confidence through extensive communications from the state and the private sector during the three-day event, showcasing the strength of Thai listed firms and the overall economic conditions of Thailand, Mr. Chanitr Charnchainarong, SET Group Head Issuer & Listing said. He cited participating company executives as saying that the event was very beneficial in increasing business opportunities for new investors, while issues they raised gave them ideas for them to apply in their businesses.  Mr. Chanitr went on to say that a number of participants have expressed their keen readiness to make investment in Thailand when opportunities arrive.  He added that Asia’s economic growth potential during the next 4-5 years has made the Thai stock market an outstanding investment destination, particularly when crises elsewhere were driving international investors to seek markets with impressive performance and constant growth and earnings outlooks. 

Mr. Chanitr reported that the SET’s helping organize the event has allowed it to listen to key players and get ideas to further develop the Thai stock market.

“This conference has been highly successful in bringing international investor focus to Thailand and its top corporate,” Mr. Jason Cox, Head of Asia Pacific Equity Capital Markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, noted. Investors from around the world have spent valuable time with many of the country's senior management teams, and have come away from their meetings over the past two days with confidence in the continued growth and progress of Thailand.

“This year’s event has achieved its objective to present essential information from policymakers and the Bank of Thailand regarding major Thai industry groups, highlighting their efficiency and competitiveness on the international trade arena” reported Phatra Securities PCL Managing Director Therapong Vachirapong. “In addition, around 500 one-on-one and 300 group meetings between major investors and company executives have given the former group the information they need, obtained directly from top managers of the firms involved. As a result, investors could identify and compare investment opportunities very efficiently. Participants expressed interest in every industry, particularly those in the financials industry, followed by the energy and the petrochemicals companies, Mr. Therapong reported. The property industry won the third-highest level of interest, including industrial parks. Another group of companies that attracted significant interest were those engaged in retail businesses, due to their long-term growth potential.