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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Thai Bourse Holds First “SET-Thai Corporate Day” In May To Showcase Small-, Medium-Cap Firms To Foreign Funds

Date 22/04/2014

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) has joined hands with DBS Vickers Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. to organize “SET-Thai Corporate Day 2014: Discovering Thai Value Stocks” during May 6-7 in Bangkok. This is the first inbound roadshow ever for listed small- and medium-cap companies to present their strengths and effectiveness to global foreign investors.  

SET President Charamporn Jotikasthira said the Thai exchange has been committed to expanding foreign investor base by continuously organizing inbound and outbound roadshows to present effectiveness of Thai listed firms and the Thai capital market. The 2013 earnings results also proved the strength of the Thai firms. Therefore, the roadshow event could provide good opportunities for top management of Thai small- and medium-cap firms to meet foreign investors and expose their impressive performance and promising business directions. At least 35 Thai listed companies have confirmed to join the roadshow, with combined market capitalization of THB 2.66 trillion (approx. USD 81.85 billion), or 21 percent of the total market value (data as of April 21, 2014)

“The SET-Thai Corporate Day is another key inbound roadshow, besides the annual Thailand Focus, to highlight potential Thai small- and medium-cap companies and their business direction to foreign institutional investors in one-on-one meetings. There will also be seminars to give insights of Thailand’s economic and investment outlook by distinguished speakers from private and public sectors.” Charamporn added.

DBS Vickers’ CEO Pattera Dilokrungthirapop, said the company was pleased to participate in the event held for the first time this year. It was necessary to enhance confidence among domestic and foreign investors as the country has been affected by political uncertainties. Thus, investors would get insights of Thai listed firms’ business and financial status as well as sustainability, enabling them to evaluate the impact and assess fair value of the listed companies.

“We strongly believe the roadshow should help promote the Thai capital market among foreign investors globally, particularly in Asia, Europe and the United States. We also have received positive response from various leading funds, reflecting the Thai capital market’s attractiveness among foreign investors,” Pattera added.