Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange Updates TA 25 And TA 100 Indexes
Date 27/01/2000
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange announced that as of February 1, 2000, it will update the composition of the TA 25 and TA 100 Indexes, the bourse's two major stock indexes. Elron will be added to the TA 25 Index, replacing Industrial Building Corp.
With the revision of the TA 100 Index, Hapoalim Electronic Communication, Suny, Mashov Computers, Miloumor, Kardan Investments and Hazera join the list. They replace Azorim Properties, Investec Clali, Maman, Israel Cold Storage, Elco Industries and First International Mortgage Bank.
Kitan shares have been delisted from the TA 100 Index and replaced by Quinco on January 13, after Kitan shares in public hands were purchased in a tender offer.
The TA 25 and TA 100 indexes are composed of the largest 25 and 100 companies on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, ranked by market capitalization. The composition of the indexes is updated on February 1 and August 1.
For an updated list of weightings within the indexes, visit the TASE website at
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, founded in 1953, is owned by its 28 member firms and is regulated by the Israel Securities Authority. The Exchange provides a highly advanced electronic trading system for equities, bonds, Treasury bills and derivatives. All trades are cleared and settled by the TASE Clearing House. The TASE offers international investors a combination of attractive investment opportunities and a full complement of market services, including an elaborate and user-friendly website at