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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tehran Stock Exchange Reviewed TEDFIX 30 Index For The Second Quarter Of 1390

Date 25/10/2011

Tehran Stock Exchange announces the following index changes as a result of the quarterly TEDFIX 30Index review. These changes have been effective at the open on Sunday, September 25, 2011.

The TEDFIX 30 is a total return index weighted by free-float market capitalization that measures the performance of 30 most traded stocks listed on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE).

In this review, Tejarat Bank, Post Bank, Calcimin Co. and Behshahr Industries Investment Group were added to and Saipa Investment Co., Rena Industrial Group Investment Co., Fars & Khuzestan Cement Co. and Civil Pension Fund Investment Co. were deleted from the index.

Index components are selected according to the market capitalization and liquidity criteria. Thus,100 large cap companies are listed on descending basis and 30 companies mee ng the following requirements:

1. It is at least 3 months since they have been listed and traded in TSE.
2. Their monthly value traded in the last 6 months ended the review date exceeds 25% of average monthly value traded of 100 large companies in this period. (for companies being listed for less than6 months, the period will be 3/4 of the period when the share has been listed).
3. Free floats share is at least 10%.

Quarterly  Index  Reviews  are  designed  to  ensure  that  the  indices  continue  to  be  an  accurate reflection  of  the  evolving  equity  marketplace.  Free floats  used  in  calcula  on  of  TEDFIX  30 are reviewed  quarterly  on  the  third  Wednesday  of  the  last  month  of  every  quarter.  The  index  is calculated as a total return index (price and dividend). The base date for TEFIX 30 base is 23/8/2010 and the base level is 1000.

The following table shows the companies listed in this index in the second quarter of 1390.

Index of 30 large companies - Second quarter 1390

  • Iran Tele. Co.
  • National Copper Ind.Co. 
  • Chadormalu Mineral & Ind. 
  • Ghadir Investment Co. 
  • Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Co. 
  • bank Mellat
  • Bank Parsian
  • Gol-E-Gohar Iron Ore Co. 
  • Saipa Co.
  • Esfahan Oil Refining Co. 
  • EN Bank
  • Iran Khodro Industrial Group Co. 
  • Civil Pension Fund Investment Co.
  • Mines & Metals Development Investment Co
  • Khouzestan Steel Co. 
  • Khark Petrochemical Co. 
  • Karafarin Bank
  • Iran Transfo Co.
  • Tose-e Melli Group Investment Co. 
  • Bahman Group Co.
  • Fanavaran Petrochemical Co
  • Saipa Investment Co. 
  • Behran Oil Co.
  • North Drilling Co.
  • Shazand Petrochemical Co. 
  • Fars & Khuzestan Cement Co.
  • National Investment Company of Iran Co. 
  • Tosee Melli Investment Co.
  • Rena Industrial Group Investment Co.

Company addi  ons to and dele  ons from an TEFIX 30 index do not in any way reflect an opinion onthe investment merits of the company.