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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Tehran Securities Exchange Condoles for the Loss of Iran’s President

Date 20/05/2024

Tehran Securities Exchange (TSE) issued a message expressing condolences for the martyrdom of President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and a delegation, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and some other local officials were returning from a visit to Azerbaijan’s border on the North-western part of the country after launching a joint dam between both countries on Sunday 19 May 2024 when their helicopter tragically crashed in the area.

TSE offers condolences on the loss of Iranian officials, and pray for the grace of Lord, patience and blessings.

Please note that due to the tragic incident, Tehran Securities Exchange will not have trades on Monday, May 20, 2024, and decisions for the coming days will be announced.