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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Taiwan Futures Exchange Granted IOSCO Affiliate Membership

Date 19/05/2004

Taiwan Futures Exchange, the TAIFEX, has been officially admitted to the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) as an affiliate member. This took place on May 19 while the TAIFEX’s application to become an affiliate member was unanimous passed by the Presidents’ Committee in the 29th IOSCO Annual Conference in Amman.

The Chairman of the TAIFEX, Der-Shan Wang, who attended the Conference in person said, “I am very pleased with the conclusion. As a relatively new exchange, we have been endeavored to become an integral part of the world’s financial system through participating in prominent international organizations such as the IOSCO. We believe that by regular view-sharing with our colleagues in IOSCO and abiding by resolutions achieved under consensus, the TAIFEX will be able to fulfill our responsibility as a member of the international community, and help to achieve market integration.” He furthered, “Enter of the IOSCO stands for the recognition of TAIFEX by the major regulatory body. This development helps us in establishing mechanisms to facilitate information exchange and absorb expertise and experience on principles of sound market regulation.”

IOSCO is a leading international group of securities and futures market regulators. Its current membership comprises regulatory bodies and SROs of more than 170 entities. The member agencies currently assembled together in the IOSCO have resolved, through its permanent structures:

  • to cooperate together to promote high standards of regulation in order to maintain just, efficient and sound markets;
  • to exchange information on their respective experiences in order to promote the development of domestic markets;
  • to unite their efforts to establish standards and an effective surveillance of international securities transactions;
  • to provide mutual assistance to promote the integrity of the markets by a rigorous application of the standards and by effective enforcement against offenses.
TAIFEX, the only derivatives exchange in Taiwan, was established in April 1998 and now on top of the list of fast-growing markets in the world. Our full-fledged financial product lines include stock index futures and options, equity options, and interest rate futures. The market demonstrated an impressive growth in the past few years. The total trading volume in year 2003 achieved 31,874,934 contracts, representing an increase of more than 300% over that of year 2002, and ranked the 26th among world derivatives exchanges according to the FIA statistics. The TAIEX options, one of our flagship products, especially demonstrated growth potential by ranking the second among the same product categories in Asia. For more information, please visit