Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX Swiss Exchange New Organizational Structure

Date 29/11/2000

The Board of Directors of SWX Swiss Exchange passed a resolution to realign the company's organizational structure with effect from 1. 12. 2000: In order to coordinate the activities and strategic focus of SWX and its associated companies, a Group Coordination Committee is to be established.

The Group Management will be made up as follows:

Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter, Head of Group Coordination Committee

Jürg Spillmann, Chief IT Officer

Dr. Heinrich Henckel, SWX Swiss Exchange

Otto E. Nägeli, Eurex

Ettore Candolfi, STOXX

Peter Keller, virt-x

Responsibility for the operative side of SWX Swiss Exchange's business is to be assumed by the Management Board, which will be made up of the heads of the four new corporate divisions: Issuers, Markets, Information Products and Information Technology. Dr. Heinrich Henckel, Issuers Division, CEO

Jürg Spillmann, Information Technology/Logistics division, Deputy CEO

Ettore Candolfi, Information Products Division

Peter Keller, Markets Division