Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX Swiss Exchange: Key Figures Feburary 2003

Date 03/03/2003

Trading days: 20

SWX Products Turnover in mio CHF % change versus previous month % change versus previous year Trades
Equities* (incl. funds) 59,594 -1.2 -17.9 872',49
Bonds 18,254 -4.6 11.9 44,424
Derivatives 1,142 -32.9 46.9 54,958
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) 586 1.3 105.5 4,298
Eurobonds (USD) 2,121 0.0 -38.81 12,450
Total 81,696 -2.6 -13.9 988,679

SWX Indices Monthly close % change versus previous month % change versus previous year
SMIĀ® 4,148.2 -6.2 34.7
SPIĀ® 2,907.1 -5.9 -32.9

* Including SMI issues, all of which have been traded on virt-x since 25 June 2001.