Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX Swiss Exchange Index Adjustments To Take Effect October 2002

Date 03/09/2002

Normal adjustments

Pursuant to the Index Rules of the SWX Swiss Exchange, normal adjustments are made annually on the first trading day of October. In this connection, the data pertaining to a given company's number of shares, as well as the free-float that is relevant for it's weighting in an index, are updated. Effectively immediately, the related summary, along with all pertinent information, can be accessed on the Internet at

20% free float minimum requirement

The minimum lower limit of 20% introduced in connection with the changeover to the free float method for determining the composition of the SPI will now take effect on 1 October 2002 (see SWX Message No. 78/2001 of 4 September 2001). On that date, issues with a free float of less than 20% will be eliminated from the SPI. The listing and the trading on SWX of the concerning securities are not stay unchanged. The listing and trading of the concerned securities on SWX remain unchanged by this decision.

Valor Isin Company
140840 CH0001408407 ALETSCH I
136330 CH0001363305 ATEL N
186489 CH0001864898 BIG STAR I
223327 CH0002233275 CANON N
157847 CH0001578472 CEMENT I
157928 CH0001579280 CKW I
332260 CH0003322606 EDIPRESSE N
328822 CH0003288229 EG LAUFENBURG I
183792 CH0001837928 GONSET I -A-
1221405 CH0012214059 HOLCIM N
724910 CH0007249102 INFRANOR I
194020 CH0001940201 INTERSHOP I
14078 CH0000140787 INTERSPORT N
66847 CH0000668472 JELMOLI N
379859 CH0003798599 MOB N
88839 CH0000888393 MOEVENPICK N
74919 CH0000749199 MONTREUX PA N
212427 CH0002124276 MOTOR COLUMBUS I
213764 CH0002137641 NETSTAL -B-
213765 CH0002137658 NETSTAL I
397719 CH0003977193 NEUE AARGAUER BK N
1270311 CH0012703119 PRAGMATICA I
1165816 CH0011658165 RAETIA ENERGIE I
227068 CH0002270681 SCANA -C-
227068 CH0002270681 SCANA -C-
1081736 CH0010817366 SCINTILLA I 20
58799 CH0000587995 SIKA N
1117825 CH0011178255 TAMEDIA N