Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX: Sanctions Against Gretag Imaging Holding Ltd, Regensdorf

Date 03/10/2001

SWX: Sanctions Against Gretag Imaging Holding Ltd, Regensdorf At the beginning of February 2001, Gretag Imaging Holding decided to abolish 50 jobs (of about 500) in Regensdorf and 200 (of about 2,600) worldwide. On 14 February 2001, an article appeared in the Tages-Anzeiger which described the cutback in detail. Enquiries carried out by the SWX established that Gretag Imaging had confirmed the cutback when asked about it by a journalist on the staff of the Tages-Anzeiger. Only on 15 February 2001 did Gretag Imaging Holding issue a media release informing the public of the cutback.

By selectively informing a single publication, Gretag Imaging Holding negligently breached the principle of equal treatment as per Art. 72 para. 4 of the Listing Rules (LR).


On 31 May 2001, therefore, the Executive Committee of the Admission Board decided to impose the following sanctions:

  1. Gretag Imaging Holding Ltd, CH-8105 Regensdorf, shall be reprimanded (Art. 82 para. 1 Point 1 LR).
  2. The sanctions against Gretag Imaging Holding Ltd shall be publicised by the SWX after termination of the period during which appeals may be lodged (Art. 82 para. 1 Point 9 and Art 82 para. 2 LR).
  3. The costs of the sanctions shall be charged to Gretag Imaging Holding Ltd.
The sanctions entered into force after termination of the period during which appeals may be lodged.