The committee of the SWX Admission Board, in its decision of 31 May 2001, therefore issued a reprimand to CV for violation of the duty to disclose price-relevant facts within the context of Art. 72 of the SWX Listing Rules. In the opinion of the Admission Board committee, the profit warning of 5 December 2000 represents a violation of the obligation to disclose information without delay as per Art. 72 para. 2 LR; furthermore, the selective disclosure of revenue details to only a limited number of individuals (analysts) in the week prior to the profit warning violated the rule pertaining to equal treatment of all market participants (Art. 72 para. 4 LR). In a petition dated 3 September 2001, CV lodged an appeal of this decision with the Disciplinary Commission of the SWX Swiss Exchange. On 3 December 2001, CV withdrew its appeal. Consequently, legal force has now accrued to the decision of the Admission Board committee.
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
SWX: Sanctions Against Charles Vögele Holding AG
Date 17/12/2001