Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX - First trading Day For 4 New XMTCH issues

Date 24/10/2002

SWX - First trading Day For 4 New XMTCH issues Today (24 October 2002) marked the start of SWX Swiss Exchange trading in four new XMTCH products. These XMTCH issues are registered investment funds under Luxembourg law (SICAVs). The initiator and asset manager of the new XMTCH products is Credit Suisse Asset Management. On the first day of trading, a total of 18'050 units changed hands. XMTCH issues are listed and traded on SWX in its Exchange Traded Funds segment. At present, this SWX segment encompasses 14 ETF issues.

The new XMTCH products trading since Thursday on the SWX Swiss Exchange, as well as their designated market makers, are as follows:

Product Issuer Index Trading currency Market maker(s)
XMTCH (Lux) on MSCI Euro Credit Suisse Asset Management MSCI Euro IndexSM Euro Morgan Stanley & Co. International
XMTCH (Lux) on DJ Banks Titans Credit Suisse Asset Management MDow Jones Healthcare Titans 30 Index® US$ Morgan Stanley & Co. International
XMTCH (Lux) on DJ Healthcare Titans Credit Suisse Asset Management Dow Jones Technology Titans 30 Index® US$ Morgan Stanley & Co. International
XMTCH (Lux) on DJ Technology Titans Credit Suisse Asset Management Dow Jones Technology Titans 30 Index® US$ Morgan Stanley & Co. International