Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX: Delisting Of Habsburg Holdings Ltd. As Of 30 December 2003

Date 26/09/2003

On 4 August 2003, the SWX Swiss Exchange suspended trading in the securities of Habsburg Holdings Ltd., which had failed to publish an annual report for 2002 or submit it to the SWX by the specified deadline.

This suspension occurred at a time when other proceedings for violation of the Listing Rules (LR) against the company were already in progress. The company had failed to present annual financial statements for 2001 in accordance with Arts. 66 ff. LR, its annual report contains no auditor's report pursuant to Art. 71 LR, and it has not provided the information required under Annex 1 of Admission Board Circular No. 1. The Disciplinary Commission of the SWX Swiss Exchange therefore fined Habsburg Holdings Ltd. CHF 50,000 and decreed that the securities of Habsburg Holdings Ltd. were to be delisted three months after publication. This decree has entered into force and the securities will be delisted.

In the interests of investors, trading will be reopened temporarily on Monday, 29 September 2003. The final delisting will take place on 30 December 2003. The last trading day of Habsburg securities will be 29 December 2003.

It should be noted that Habsburg submitted an annual report for 2002 on 23 September 2003; however, it will not be examined in terms of compliance with the Listing Rules.