Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

SWX: Changes To trading In SAirGroup Bonds

Date 08/02/2002

On 29 January 2002, upon consideration of two appeals, the independent Appeals Board decided to postpone the delisting of SAirGroup bonds. On 8 February 2002, upon the withdrawal of these appeals, the independent Appeals Board repealed the postponement with immediate effect. This means that SAirGroup bonds have been delisted with effect from 5 p.m. on Friday, 8 February.

In order to ensure that SAirGroup bonds that have not been lodged and therefore not been delivered in connection with the liquidation can still be traded on the SWX System with the necessary transparency, the SWX Swiss Exchange decided to admit these delisted securities to trading with effect from Monday, 11 February 2002. The pricing of these securities will take place via the matcher of the SWX Exchange system, which should ensure smooth trading. This does not apply to outstanding SAirGroup Eurobonds, which will remain suspended. The market supervision of the SWX Swiss Exchange will also carry out its responsibilities with regard to trading in these securities.

Like listed securities, delisted securities that remain admitted to trading on the SWX platform are subject to Art. 161 of the Swiss Federal Penal Code (Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch; StGB). The same applies to market rigging according to Art. 161 bis StGB.

On the other hand, the issuer must no longer fulfil the obligations associated with maintenance of listing under the Listing Rules (see Art. 64ff. LR). In particular, this applies to the duties connected with financial reporting, ad hoc publicity and the general requirement to make immediately public any changes to the rights attached to a security (see Art. 73 LR and circular 1/98 of the Admission Board).