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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Structured Products Available For Trading On Euronext Lisbon Will Reach Record Number - Largest Listing Of Warrants Ever On Euronext Lisbon

Date 21/03/2007

Euronext is pleased to announce that it will list tomorrow, 22nd March, the largest one day listing of warrants on Euronext Lisbon ever.

All the 170 plain vanilla warrants, issued by Commerzbank, will be listed on Easynext Warrants, the structured products exchange regulated market, managed by Euronext Lisbon. The plain vanilla warrants will include warrants issued on single stocks (138 warrants) and on indices (32 warrants).

Among the new warrants with stocks as underlyings, there will be 28 warrants listed on Portuguese stocks: EDP, Portugal Telecom, BCP, Brisa, Cimpor, Galp Energia, PT Multimedia, Altri, Cofina, Sonae SGPS, Sonaecom, Sonae Indústria, Mota-Engil, Portucel and Semapa. These companies represent about 83% of the capitalization of the PSI20 index.

The remaining single stock plain vanilla warrants to be listed tomorrow will be issued on a great variety of blue chip stocks, currently listed on various exchanges.

On the indices, it will be listed warrants on the CAC, Dax, Ibex, Nasdaq and Nikkei indices. With this listing, the number of warrants available for trading on the Lisbon market reaches 591. With the addition of the 29 listed certificates, there will be a record number of 620 structured products available for trading on a daily basis on Euronext Lisbon.